UPS/FedEx ground transit times in business days.
The day the order is shipped does not count as a business day.
Weekends and holidays are also not considered business days.
The day the order is shipped does not count as a business day.
Weekends and holidays are also not considered business days.
- Ground shipping is $8.75 to any street address in the 48 states.
- Transit times listed below only refer to orders shipping to a COMMERCIAL ADDRESSES.If you are shipping to a RESIDENCE, the transit time can take an additional few days.
- Alaska and Hawaii orders are shipped via USPS and pricing will show after you input shipping information and proceed to Step 2.
International Customers:
International parcels are shipped via USPS.
- Priority mail option takes 6-10 business days once dispatched to arrive at its destination
- Express mail option takes 5 business days once dispatched to arrive at its destination
- Pricing for each option will be shown in Step 2 of the checkout process. Pricing for your shipment depends on the weight of the package.
- Please allow 2 days for processing